
Radon Mitigation

Radon Mitigation is a science as well as a craft. The methods that are utilize are most often influenced by your foundation design. Basement, slab on grade and crawl-space areas tend to require different mitigation system designs. Some homes include more than one foundation type in their home. At Advanced Radon Services, we provide customized mitigation designs to address the particular needs of your home. We perform government-approved testing before and after radon abatement to ensure that your home is safe from Radon Gas.

Did You Know? Half of Northern New Jersey is considered to be at high risk for radon gas. Radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer.Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.The NJDEP recommends retesting for Radon Gas every 2 years.Radon levels tend to be highest during winter. 

Radon Abatement Methods

Sub-Slab Depressurization • This is the most common method for radon gas removal. You are likely familiar with the piping system in many homes that utilizes fans and piping to draw the radon out of the home and vent it safely above the home where it can enter the atmosphere. Radon is only dangerous in concentrated amounts in enclosed areas, so ventilation is a safe method for disipating radon within the atmosphere.  Active subslab suction another name for subslab depressurization, may include, drain-tile suction, sump-hole suction, or block-wall suction. A single sunction point is all that is necessary in most instanced, though some homes may require more. 
Crawl-space Encapsulation •  Many crawl-spaces, especially in older homes, have a dirt floor which provides little protection from radon gas leaks. To prevent radon gas from seaping in through your crawl-space, a non-permeable plastic barrier can be installed to seal the space. A vent pipe and fan can then draw the radon from under the sheet and vent it above the home. This submembrane suction is most effective in homes built over crawlspaces. 
Sealing of Cracks and Openings • It is important to limit the flow of radon into the home. Sealing alone has not been shown to effectively reduce radon levels on its own, however it does increase the efficiency of your radon mitigation system. 
Heat Recovery Ventilators/ Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger • While HRVs can be used to ventilate all or part of your home, they are most effective for reducing radon levels when used specifically in the basement.  While HRVs may increase your heating and cooling costs, this system can improve overall air quality in homes with other indoor pollutants. 

Call Today To Schedule Services: (908) 645-3993

How Can I Be Sure My Radon Mitigation System is Appropriate for My Home?

At Advanced Radon Services, we utilize government approved testing methods before and after your Radon Mitigation Service to ensure proper function. For more information on Radon Reduction methods, Read This Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction provided by the EPA.